Welcome to PartsBit.com!

Selling parts has never been easier

Discover an innovative platform that revolutionizes parts selling.

With PartsBit.de, maximize your efficiency and
easily reach a broad audience of
car enthusiasts and workshops.

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Discover an innovative platform that revolutionizes parts selling.

To create a seller account on PartsBit, please send us your company details and contact information of a representative via email to service@partsbit.com.

Join our network and
increase your sales!

Why should you choose PartsBit.de?


PartsBit.de is one of the largest German online marketplaces for used car and truck parts. We receive thousands of new customer inquiries daily.

Multilingual and Mobile-Friendly

Our platform is accessible to an international audience and user-friendly on both desktop and mobile devices.

Vielfältige Schnittstellen

We offer seamless integrations with various automotive recycling software, including KUMAsoft, 3X-Core, ecar, Callparts, Carec, CSV, and many more.

Shopping Cart Function

Allow your customers to conveniently shop for multiple parts with our user-friendly shopping cart function.

Customizable Inquiry Filters

Customize the inquiry filters to match the spare parts inventory of your company and receive inquiries that precisely fit your offerings.

Unlimited Number of Spare Parts

Showcase your entire range - there is no limit to the number of spare parts offered.

Clear Operation

Our platform provides a clear and intuitive user interface, allowing you to focus on what matters most - sales.

Efficient Message and Offer Management

Keep track of your communication and offers with our easy-to-use message and offer management.

partsbit site

Sales Commission
only 8%

  • No advertising expenses
  • Unlimited sales ads at no extra cost
  • No setup fee required

Start today!

Werden Sie Teil von PartsBit.de und nutzen Sie die Vorteile unserer Plattform, um Ihren Umsatz zu steigern.

To create a seller account on PartsBit, please send us your company details and contact information of a representative via email to service@partsbit.com.

Do you have any questions?
Contact our sales team at